What the hell? It's already March of 2020? What have I done with my life? NOTHING!? Actually, that's not completely true. I've worked. I go to work. My life is work. I joined my sister's book club. I got permanent fake eyelashes. I will never go back to my natural eyelashes, fake eyelashes will change your entire life! My dog is going through some health issues and I am very worried about him. I don't know what will happen, I don't know how much money we can afford on him, but his situation is not good. It's not bad, but it's not looking good. Right now, we are okay. Cooper is okay. We are resting and healing. Once we are in a place where his doctor feels is good, we will know where to move forward to. It is very difficult to keep a very active rambunctious French bulldog on bedrest for almost a month. My mom's birthday is this month, so is my father in-law's birthday! It's already been a very depressing few months for myself. I am trying to be social again. Getting back out there. My husband has concerns and voiced his opinion on my recent lack of motivation lately. Apparently my mood change has been concerning for about 8 months, maybe a year. I'm not trying to make any excuses, but it makes it difficult to be social when I don't have any friends of my own. I work, I come home, I sleep. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I do enjoy my YOUTUBE. Vloggers, daily vloggers, what's in my bag, a day in the life.... someone else's life. Someone else who has a life. I truly love my bed. I have a REALLY comfortable nice expensive bed and I love it! Since we renovated our house, I just love being home. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, I just REALLY love my bed. It's like REALLY nice. My closet bedroom is a mess, I seriously have not been able to see the actual floor since December. It's bad. I've started working on getting organized again, but I have no motivation, I am hoping I open the door one day and everything is just gone. I'm okay with everything just being gone. I have three boxes of just pure useless shit from around the house that I just don't have homes for. I get frustrated every now and then at the clutter around and just take a box to it, throw everything into this box that I tell myself that I'm going to sort through. Who am I kidding? I'm just putting more clutter junk into a box I will never look at once it's shoved off into a corner. My clothes have gotten way out of control. I refuse to put any clothes up and for some reason, I haven't had the will to do laundry. I do what I need, but as far as anything else, I just can't do laundry right now. So this weekend, I worked on my closet bedroom. Put my clothes away and organized through my shelves and desk. It looks a little better, it's a little less overwhelming, but it's still a wreck. Meh, I have plenty of time to work on it, I don't do anything else. I should be working on my closet bedroom every day, but why? When I can lay down in my amazing bed?
Wish me luck. Hopefully next blog will be more positive.
Wish me luck. Hopefully next blog will be more positive.