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31 years of friendship

One of my oldest and dearest friends has recently come back into my life. As the title reads, we have been friends since we were 4 years old. Our birthdays are in the same months, we didn't go to the same schools ever, we love animals, we grew up in the church with the same beliefs, our parents were friends, I moved away when we started 7th grade, our lives both changed drastically once we were apart. My life in Longview/Hallsville was a long time ago. We went to church in Longview, my Dad worked in Longview, but we lived in a smaller town right outside Longview called Hallsville. I met my childhood friend at church. We have been friends ever since. Even with the long distance and losing touch here and there we always came back together at some point in our lives.

I am so grateful to have this person in my life. Like I've mentioned in other blogs, I don't have a lot of friends, so the ones I do have, I am grateful to keep.

She was in town this weekend and we got to catch up and reminisces about the old times. It's so funny how much I forget, but someone else can remind me and all those memories come flooding back into my brain. Where do my memories go? If I'm not reminded of them, they are just back there in my brain.... I wonder how many others memories I have forgotten about.

I  have another friend who I met when I first moved to the Dallas area in 1997. She has a memory of an elephant. She remembers everything we ever did and she remembers everyone. When I hang out with her and she mentions things or people of our past, I'm just astonished at how much I don't remember on my own.

Without these people in my life, I may forget everything. But what have I already lost? People that I know longer communicate have  memories that I don't remember! What memories will I lose? Wouldn't know!

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