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Life. Up.Date (again)

Where have I been, you ask? I really wish I could tell you. I mean, I know where I've been. I've been BUSY. Life. Is. BUSY! Life. IS. HEC-TIC.So, my life update. Work, work, work work. (Chanel Rihanna) Work, work, work, work, work, workYou see me I be work, work, work, work, work, workYou see me do me dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirtThere's something 'bout that work, work, work, work, work, workWhen you a gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, learnMe na care if me tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tiredAnd those are seriously the lyrics! LOL I had no idea. TIRED yes! I don't even know where to start off. February 21st- a co-worker of mine calls me to tell me her momma french bulldog is pregnant and May 2nd my french bulldog was born! (My new French Bulldog, more details on that LATER!) YAH! May 13th  My sister in law, Emily, graduated from OSU. So proud of her! Poppin' bottles in the parking lot of her college stadium was the highlight of our evening. I took my Husband to a Ranger  Game for his Birthday! It was also dollar hot-dog night! And we had amazing seats! Thanks to my best friend Ski's! My brother in law was home from Colorado for a week in the middle of May, it was good to spend some time with Chase! End of  May I got really sick and ended up in the ER at 3:00am, hooked up to IV's and doing MRI's and CT scans. Just to find out I had a REALLY bad head infection and ear infection. I missed almost a week of work. It took me a few more weeks to recover. But I'm back to normal. June- My cousin in law's son graduated high school. We watched him walk at UNT. Brought back so many memories from my own graduation. June was not a very eventful month. Work and paying bills. July 4th went to the lake house and spent time with Aubrie's family for lunch. We bounced out early though. July 8th I went to the Dallas Dog show! That was a lot of fun and so interesting to see all the different breeds under one roof. Those dog owners are serious about their dogs though! It'a very dog political. And I stalked all the french bulldogs! July 11th I finally got to meet my NEW french bulldog ! Meeting my french bulldog for the very first time! 9 weeks old! The breeder brought him to my work for me to see him and meet him. My mom also came up to meet my frenchie! The breeder also brought some other french bulldogs with her, so she had a total of three french bull dogs with her! I wanted to take all of them! It was heaven! July 20th to the 27th- My 2017 family Vacation to LONDON! Did you say London? Yes I did! London is an amazing city! I can't even describe in words just how grande and magical this city is! The history on this city is just breath taking. Seven days in this city was not even enough to get the full city experience. We were finally figuring out how to use the bus line, the tube, it was time to leave. We took a day tour to Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge. Seeing these places with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it myself. Being at Stoneghenge, my brain couldn't connect that I was actually at one of the 7 wonders of the worlds.  The amazing photographer that I am, I have not uploaded any photos from my travels, except from the few that I have uploaded to snap chat or my Instagram. Traveling with 7 people has its up and downs! But for the most part it was an amazing and fantastic trip of lifetime I will never forget! AND I actually made it on the long haul flight! No serious freak outs. (there was one freak out, but it was minor) I didn't sleep much on the flight TO London, but i def. slept on the flight home! And jet lag is a real thing! This was a vacation from work, and I didn't DO any actual work,  but it was not the type of vacation I would call relaxing. We had something to do EVERY day, something fun but as for naps and being lazy, that was not on our to do list. It was hustle ad bustle all day every day! Go go go! I didn't mind it, but there were times when I just ready for a nap. London is just a romantic, historic and magical place! This was the first time for me experiencing London! I will definitely be back to this amazing busy city! 


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