So I normally blog a lot. I blog according to what is going on in my life. Happy, sad, public or private. You share what you want to share. But all of this is very public. It's just what it is. But are you truly being a blogger/vlogger if you're only allowing certain parts of your life to be known? I'm not trying to bash anyone... But I'm just asking a legitimate questions. How real do you let yourself get? When I was younger and single I did live my life as an open book and shared every emotion and story on my blog. But since being in a relationship and getting married; it's not just me anymore. I have to respect that my husband may not want me (and I know he doesn't want me to) plaster our business all over my blog. I respect that. I don't have to only talk about my relationship with my husband. I can rant and rave about work. My mini. My furbabies. My photography business (which by the way I have another blog for that I also suck at blogging at) I also sensor myself on my blogs. I don't curse a lot on my blogs; I don't know who reads them. It could be young adults or my family. I don't want to put that kind of bad influence on my name and reputation. Now I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that I don't curse because I am by no means perfect and I most certainly do use a few choice words frequently. Just in my own time and only around my close knit friends. (I don't even curse around my parents...only when I'm SUPER DUPER mad)
I really want to get into the whole YOUTUBE/vlogging thing. I think it's a really awesome way to document your life. And in my head I think it's easier to vlog on the go than to blog on the go. I don't know I could be wrong and it may just be an opinion. I haven't tried it yet. But I'm working on getting my vlogging equipment. I'm excited to try it!