Today is day 1 of my work out progress start of my blogging. I've never been on of those "before and after, here's my journey to new healthier me" . But here I am.. about to blog about my journey to working out being healthy and getting skinnier.
First of all... I am not doing this for any other reason but to fit into my wedding dress. I seriously loath working out. I don't mind sweating but it's not something I look forward to doing. I try to avoid sweating at all cost. I don't wake up at the ass crack of dawn on my own. I barely wake up in enough time to shit shower and get to work on time. I look forward to lunch the minute I clock into work and can't wait till its 5pm. I've become a complete home body. I don't like to get into anything other than comfy pants and a tshirt the instant I get home. I don't watch a lot of TV but i do utilize my cellular device... a lot. My cell phone is always in arms length. In fact I am blogging on my cell phone while taking a rather rough poop.
Day 1
I somehow found motivation to wake up at 5 am to get ready to go the gym. Ha don't get me wrong... I most certainly stayed in bed till 530am. That latest I could stay in bed without being too terrible late to the gym. I arrived at 6am with my fiance in tow. I followed my fiance around like a little puppy and did everything he showed me to do. We've worked out together before but this time... I mean business. Wedding dress wedding dress wedding dress!!! As I make my way around the gym I noticed that I am the only person that is still half asleep. These 5 am-ers are for real. Guess I better step my game up. Lol. I'm new to lifting and I don't like to do it alone because I feel like if I attempt to do it alone I'll hurt myself or just look stupid doing it "wrong". Gym ppl are no joke. So today was rough. I think I have a broken rib... or its just gas. Crossing my fingers it's just gas. I hope my ' broken rib ' doesn't prevent me from not making it to my second day of serious working out. Wish me luck.