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I've said this before and I'm going to say it again... IM NEVER DRINKING EVER AGAIN! A bottle and half of wine and some beers, 30 mins at Papas and then passing out at my friends house was my night of hardcore fun! I've gotten old. What the fuck is that all about. Like, I can't handle my drinking anymore! I'm no longer a pro. I've lost my game! And it makes me really sad. I cant have one night of fun without seriously dying the next day! It makes it almost worth not drinking at all because of how awful I know I will feel the next day. At least when I was a raging alcoholic I could handle my hangover and not feel like I was about to die. Well, all I can say is that I really miss being able to drink. I guess I should be proud of myself for not drinking anymore. I haven't given up drinking, I just dont drink as much. I smell like vomit, I've taken several naps, I've eaten a small party pizza to myself, drank some diet coke, I've done absolutely nothing all day... so finally at 930pm at night I'm starting to feel normal. Im sticking with water. Im going to try to down a pot of coffee and maybe not waste away my Saturday night! Cross ur fingers, I will more than likely sit on the couch watching lifetime movies. At least its raining outside so the weather matches my mood. Awful.

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