These past few month have been a whirl wind of changes! Its like my life cant get enough of it! I would love nothing more than to just have time to relax. But of course that isnt going to happen. I miss blogging. I miss my friends, I miss my party life and most of all I miss being carefree. Im growing up and adult life isnt what it's all cracked up to be, but I guess I cant stop it from happening. I never thought the day would come, but now that its just over the horizon,I can see it smell it feel it, Im not sure I want to it to happen. I want to make more money, I want a house, I want a nicer many thing I want and cant have. Now that sucks! Im over having people in my life butting their nose in where it doesnt belong or judging me. I am my own person. I am confident in where I in my life and who i share it with. I dont care what others think. I wish I could be more of a bitch and stand up for myself, but honestly, I dont have it in me to be a bitch to other people. I am not mean hearted. i believe that what you put out into the universe it what you get back. So far, I have yet to see that. but im crossing my fingers. :)
Maintaining relationships demands effort; it's a mutual journey. Each party contributes, and amidst this exchange, bonds form—be it friendships or deeper connections. Some relationships necessitate more investment; sometimes, it feels like you're carrying the weight alone, striving to sustain the connection. Personally, I've struggled with nurturing friendships; perhaps due to youthful ignorance, where life felt boundless, consequences seemed distant, and self-centeredness prevailed. As age brings maturity, many friendships naturally drift away amid life's chaos and the challenges of adulthood. Reflecting on my past interactions often astonishes me; how did I manage any healthy relationships back then? Truthfully, I didn't. Those who I once considered friends, or who considered me as such, have vanished, leaving behind only fragmented memories—thanks, memory loss. Although forgetfulness might seem a blessing, the impressions we leave behind persist. This notion unne...