i am learning to balance life's challenges. its certainly not easy and its not always fun. they say "when you come to work, leave your personal issues at the door" its also said "leave work at work, don't bring it home" but what happens when your work IS your life? I'm also learning that i cant put too much on my plate. I've never really had to balance too much in my life. I should have been but I've never really put forth a lot of effort on making sure all points in my life are balanced. I just went with the flow. it was either, work was going great and my home life wasn't, or my home life was going good and work wasn't. Now, its different. i want every area in my life to be good. i don't want just one area to okay, while the other falls apart. its a lot harder than i thought it would. making sure i make time for the important people in my life, staying focused at work and spending my money on needs and not wants. life revolves around family work and money.
My work is going really good! I love my job! I'm still learning a lot. I know I'll get there and when I do, Im going to be fantastic. I want to do my very best so i can move up quickly! I have my VERY first office with real walls, a window with a great view and a real door! And get this...Its my very own office allllll to myself! although i am use to having someone else in the office with me, i think ill get use to it and my boss is only a few doors down. when you spend 6 hours in a tiny office with someone you get use to them being around. but im not going to complain! I get to decorate my very first office and i have no idea what i want to do with such a blank canvas!
i love that i live so much closer to work. the commute to work is also a lot less stressful. i drive against traffic to and from work. and the sun is always behind me to and from work. what more could i ask for? living with someone else who isn't my parents has been an adjustment. it hasnt been a bad thing, but it is a learning process. its not like im just living with a roommate, im living with someone that im sharing my life with. i have to remind myself that i cant be selfish and its not just 'me' anymore. im excited for what our future holds! :-)
my family and i went to florida a few weekends ago for my sister's birthday! we went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and The Magic Kingdom! It was like being a kid again. It was actually relaxing and a really good time with my family. no one had any tantrums. I was really excited about getting my Harry Potter wand! i am also glad that our flight home went smoothly. i was really nervous about that.
Aubrie is out of town this weekend...killing bambi. i dont understand the whole hunting thing, its a guy thing that ill never understand. so i have the whole place to myself. ive done nothing. i cleaned the living room and thats about it. i made myself dinner and ive eaten about 15 fruit roll-ups today. last night i wasnt able to sleep. im use to having someone around. i dont mind the alone time, but im ready for him to come home.
i know its been a while since ive blogged, but my life has been a whirl wind of changes, new beginnings and a lot to look forward to in the future!
My work is going really good! I love my job! I'm still learning a lot. I know I'll get there and when I do, Im going to be fantastic. I want to do my very best so i can move up quickly! I have my VERY first office with real walls, a window with a great view and a real door! And get this...Its my very own office allllll to myself! although i am use to having someone else in the office with me, i think ill get use to it and my boss is only a few doors down. when you spend 6 hours in a tiny office with someone you get use to them being around. but im not going to complain! I get to decorate my very first office and i have no idea what i want to do with such a blank canvas!
i love that i live so much closer to work. the commute to work is also a lot less stressful. i drive against traffic to and from work. and the sun is always behind me to and from work. what more could i ask for? living with someone else who isn't my parents has been an adjustment. it hasnt been a bad thing, but it is a learning process. its not like im just living with a roommate, im living with someone that im sharing my life with. i have to remind myself that i cant be selfish and its not just 'me' anymore. im excited for what our future holds! :-)
my family and i went to florida a few weekends ago for my sister's birthday! we went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and The Magic Kingdom! It was like being a kid again. It was actually relaxing and a really good time with my family. no one had any tantrums. I was really excited about getting my Harry Potter wand! i am also glad that our flight home went smoothly. i was really nervous about that.
Aubrie is out of town this weekend...killing bambi. i dont understand the whole hunting thing, its a guy thing that ill never understand. so i have the whole place to myself. ive done nothing. i cleaned the living room and thats about it. i made myself dinner and ive eaten about 15 fruit roll-ups today. last night i wasnt able to sleep. im use to having someone around. i dont mind the alone time, but im ready for him to come home.
i know its been a while since ive blogged, but my life has been a whirl wind of changes, new beginnings and a lot to look forward to in the future!