Phew!!! Talk about running full speed ahead for almost a month now!!! It's been nothing but go go go! Transitioning into my new job has been great but getting on to a regular sleep pattern has been kicking my booty!! Im loving my new job! My boss lady is really awesome and laid back! We share an office so we are in close quarters for the whole 6 hours of our work day! Im glad we have a good relationship! That something I'm very grateful for!
My birthday weekend celebration was amazing! One of the best birthdays I've had in a long time! My man friend took me to the Rangers game Friday night and four of my other close friends joined us! Jim & Corinne, Melissa & Brandon and her son Maddox!! After the game they had fireworks and they were so pretty! It was like the 4th of July all over again! BUT BETTER! After the Rangers game and the fire works we made our way over to Melissa and Brandon's house to continue the party....Needless to say.... I don't remember much after the game! But I know I had a great time! On Saturday my 'man friend' and I woke up from our coma's and somehow made our way to brunch at Rio Mambo! Their mimosa's were delicious! I wish I would have had more than one but I wanted to make sure I would survive the rest of my day. Dave (Jim's older brother) invited my man friend and I out on his boat for the day. We went to Lake Ray Roberts! Dave, Debra, Jim, Corinne, Alicia, my man friend, one of Debra's friends and I had a blast! It was a beautiful day, perfect for boating! After a day of boating, we made our way to Cowboys Red River for some country two steppin'! I'm not a pro or anything and it makes me nervous if I can't see my feet or count in my head when I'm two stepping. I was told to relax and just glide, easier said than done. But I was okay...with the help of my man friend! I behaved myself well that night and did not have a repeat of Friday night but I was feeling pretty good when the night was over. I was so exhausted from Friday and Saturday, I almost didn't make it to lunch with Charlotte and Josh. Aubrie (my man friend) and I peeled ourselves out of bed and made our way to Flower Mound for lunch at Cafe Italia. Best decision ever because it was so yummy I wanted to lick my plate! No worries. I didn't! :-( And Charlotte bought me new shoes! She didn't need to do that at all! She is the best gift giver EVER and has a huge heart! The boys went their separate ways and Charlotte and I made our way to the nail salon! I was so ready to get back in bed for some cuddle time! I never made it to that point because once I was back at the apartment with Aubrie, I was out like a light! Monday morning rolled around all too soon! I wish weekends didn't go by so fast!

Corinne's birthday was the following weekend and we partied our butts off again! Pure exhaustion is setting in since I never really recovered from my birthday either! Aubrie has been sick and I think it's because he hasn't had time to let himself fully rest! This weekend is Melissa's birthday weekend. Too many close friends birthdays are right at the same time. Funds are low and I hate to have to miss her celebrations. She has always been there for my birthdays and supports me in whatever I plan on doing! I hope I can return the same kind of support she has shown me!
This month so far has been a great month! Everything is just changing so fast! But thats a good thing!

This month so far has been a great month! Everything is just changing so fast! But thats a good thing!