My like for playing poker is turning into an obsession. Now that ive learned {let me rephrase that, I'm 'learning'} how to play! {i am oooh so proud of myself i can check that off my list! CHECK!} I have it on my iPhone and I play allllllllllllllllllllllll the time! I can't even put it down while I'm driving, which is probably just as bad as texting and driving. {oops} its seriously thrilling! I don't play with real money and I still haven't been to an actual casino. For the most part it's probably a good thing because I'd for sure be broke while picking up a gambling addiction. {well thats just awesome!} I've been fortunate enough to have friends that have poker nights and invite me along to play. Sometimes for fair amounts of cash but most of the time, just for chips. {and not the kind that you eat} They are all more advanced and a lot faster than myself, but they suck it up and let a newbie into the game. It's difficult for me to have a ...