I just want to start out by saying Happy Fathers Day to all my friends that are Fathers and of course to my own Father. And also, to any of my friends that are mothers that also fill the role of being the father. Ya'll are much appreciated, even if your kids dont always show it in their actions or words. (cough cough...meaning, myself.....) Oh, and did I mentioned i misspelled my own name on my fathers days card....?Okay, so moving forward!Since the whole mess of moving and big to-do about this and that, I have not once tired to unpack any of my things! I am living out of boxes and I'm sort of rebelling against unpacking my things. I dont need to be living out of boxes....I'm not going anywhere till everything is settled, and thats going to take a long time, so I may as well unpack and get on with my life...but no, I'd rather live out of boxes. I came across things I hadn't seen in months, so I kind of figure if I never paid any attention to it while it was out, its not going to hurt if it stays in boxes. My living area seem very bare. I was drinking out of a glass the other day, and as I was drinking the last drop from my glass I realized that there was some kind of food particle stuck to the inside of the glass....eewww....But I had already drank the entire beverage so there was nothing I could do. I have a new rug down in my room (that i stole from my sister) and Lola will not walk on it, she will only walk around it. I dont know what she thinks its going to do to her, but she refuses to walk on it, kind of like how i refuse to unpack my boxes...Today I stayed in bed allllll day. Only moved to have fathers day lunch, which mom brought home from kfc and we sat in the living room. I'm pretty sure I still had my mascara running down my face since I didnt actually fall asleep till 7am because I drank 3 cups of coffee at 3am and sobered up around 4am....I caught up on season one and two of Samantha Who?. I love that show, I'm sad it got canceled. I got up ever now and then to relieve myself and I also walked about 6 steps to my sisters room to bother her. Oh, and I threw my clothes in the laundry...only because I have no more clean underwear and wearing swim suit bottoms to work tomorrow would be a no... (eck I hate that word! 'underwear', just like how i loathe the word 'panties...' uuuurrgh makes my skin crawl, i dont know why.) I've had such a rough day...its time for me to go back to bed...oh wait, I'm already here! :)
Maintaining relationships demands effort; it's a mutual journey. Each party contributes, and amidst this exchange, bonds form—be it friendships or deeper connections. Some relationships necessitate more investment; sometimes, it feels like you're carrying the weight alone, striving to sustain the connection. Personally, I've struggled with nurturing friendships; perhaps due to youthful ignorance, where life felt boundless, consequences seemed distant, and self-centeredness prevailed. As age brings maturity, many friendships naturally drift away amid life's chaos and the challenges of adulthood. Reflecting on my past interactions often astonishes me; how did I manage any healthy relationships back then? Truthfully, I didn't. Those who I once considered friends, or who considered me as such, have vanished, leaving behind only fragmented memories—thanks, memory loss. Although forgetfulness might seem a blessing, the impressions we leave behind persist. This notion unne...