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Showing posts from February, 2012

You only think you're sneaky!

cheating. one of the top reason couples break up. what are the levels of cheating? well shit i dont know, if i did, then id be a lot smarter. lol. once a cheater always a cheater? eh, im on the fence about that. im not perfect. ive made my mistakes, but honestly, if i hadnt of had the experiences that ive had then i dont think i would be the person that i am today. theres always a fine line with cheating. (or so its said) what is considered cheating? txting? emailing? talking? chatting? emotional cheating? physcial cheating? making promises? its all the same. its losing trust in someone that you thought you were safe with. its a violation of your trust, privacy and the life that you've created with your significant other. your first thought is to confront the person. blow up, accusation and assumptions. if youre smart and can hold your wits together, hold out. (easier said than done!) get all the info you can. catch them in the act. do all you can to make the cheater feel like shit...

Im on it!

These past few month have been a whirl wind of changes! Its like my life cant get enough of it! I would love nothing more than to just have time to relax. But of course that isnt going to happen. I miss blogging. I miss my friends, I miss my party life and most of all I miss being carefree. Im growing up and adult life isnt what it's all cracked up to be, but I guess I cant stop it from happening. I never thought the day would come, but now that its just over the horizon,I can see it smell it feel it, Im not sure I want to it to happen. I want to make more money, I want a house, I want a nicer many thing I want and cant have. Now that sucks! Im over having people in my life butting their nose in where it doesnt belong or judging me. I am my own person. I am confident in where I in my life and who i share it with. I dont care what others think. I wish I could be more of a bitch and stand up for myself, but honestly, I dont have it in me to be a bitch to other people. I am n...