Leave it to me to get sick on the last part of my vacation in beautiful Puerto Rico! Fortunately I wasn't sick during the entire trip, just on the last day of my trip TRYING to getting home (might I add it took me TWO days to get home, instead of one) First and foremost, NEVER EVER fly SPIRIT Airlines! As the cab driver would say "they are the idiots of the sky!" would have been nice to know before hand! We were suppose to take off from SJU airport at 4:24pm, get into fort Lauderdale at 6:47pm and have enough time to catch my connecting flight home to DFW at 7:20pm. That did not happen AT ALL! We were still sitting on the plane (with no a/c OR water) in San Jaun, Puerto Rico at 6:34pm. They had us board the plane at 5:20pm and we sat there for over an hour! We finally take off after what felt like hours of sitting on a hot plane surrounded by strangers. (We landed in Ft Lauderdale at around 8:30ish) Lets not forget that on this flight home, I was traveling ALL BY MYSELF! ...