Thursday, I had lab work done. Like usual, I went in and had my blood work done. Like normal, I went in, waited, sat in the chair and the nurse took my blood. Looking away from the needle so I don't pass out. Five minutes later and all of my blood being sucked out of my body, I returned to my life. I don't usually get my results quickly, but this time I did. Getting older, my Dr. ordered more test done than I usually do. I didn't think it would be any different than the last time. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good news from these results. Friday I spoke with my Dr. and I found out I have Type 2 Diabetes and my cholesterol is through the roof BAD. All over my reports it read and stated my obesity was the cause of most everything. I'm high risk for heart disease and heart attack. This is scary. Obviously, I am not shocked, I got here all on my own. Food is my addiction. Food is my emotional safe place. Food fills my emotional ups and down, my void. It's a ba...