i am learning to balance life's challenges. its certainly not easy and its not always fun. they say "when you come to work, leave your personal issues at the door" its also said "leave work at work, don't bring it home" but what happens when your work IS your life? I'm also learning that i cant put too much on my plate. I've never really had to balance too much in my life. I should have been but I've never really put forth a lot of effort on making sure all points in my life are balanced. I just went with the flow. it was either, work was going great and my home life wasn't, or my home life was going good and work wasn't. Now, its different. i want every area in my life to be good. i don't want just one area to okay, while the other falls apart. its a lot harder than i thought it would. making sure i make time for the important people in my life, staying focused at work and spending my money on needs and not wants. life revolves arou...