have you ever just really sat down and wondered what ur life is all about? like, what if i hadnt of done this, or that? what if i hadnt of choose to walk thru that door? or sit down in that chair....what if i hadnt of gone to school and just bought the car....who really controls my destiny? who knows. would the people that are in my life right now still be in my life? for me i believe that if someone is ment to be in your life, then they will some how make it into ur life. if someone is ment to find you, then they will. everyone has a path that is ment for them. its like google maps on my iphone. i put my current location, i put the destination where i want to go, now...how i get there...is up to me. i can take the purple rd....or i can take detours, back rds, side streets, stop along the way...the choices are endless, but in some way, im going to eventually make it to the red pin at the end of my purple rd. no matter where i turn, my destinati...